Sunday 9 November 2014

The Zombie Blog!

It is around mid-day, the date is 26th of October 2014, or at least that’s what I think it is, I’m not too sure anymore. I’ve lost track of the days…
It started in Canada, apparently, but it’s everywhere now.

The sun is not too high in the sky any more. I reckon I have a few more hours of light.
There are only a number real humans left; the weapons are having little effect on these…. These things! It takes at least three clear shots to take one of them down. Nobody is safe, it doesn't distinguish between children or adults, it just attacks. It just doesn't care. I have heard rumours of a cure. I pray that this isn't just another wind up, I don’t know how much longer I can survive out here alone.

The sun is nearly down now, but I have found a group. They are nine adults strong, and they say they have met someone who has the cure, but needs us to go on a run for him, to collect some medical supplies, 12 boxes worth. I don’t know them, but they have children, so how bad could they be. I have learnt that the worst things out there aren't always the monsters. After the downfall, people would turn on you at the click of a finger. We are headed to an abandoned church now. Abandoned… everywhere is abandoned now. I should just say “we are heading to a church building now”. Apparently there was a medical supply centre, which still had stuff remaining!

It’s now fairly dark, just a hint of a glow on the horizon. We have arrived at the church, but there is a strange noise coming from somewhere between us and the medical centre. We have decided to take refuge in the gym hall, to rest and let it get darker. We hope to be able to sneak around whatever is out there. A man and a young girl from the group have gone to look round the buildings, to try and find food… they have been away for a while now… the others don’t seem as concerned as me… they obviously haven’t seen the worst of what is out there… if they had seen what I have seen, they might be a bit more worried

It is now pitch black outside. I have placed my back pack somewhere safe, that I can get to easily if something goes wrong out in the open, I wasn’t going to take any chances. If it came to fight or flight, I was definitely hitting that flight button.
 The other two haven’t returned, the others are finally worried. I agreed to go look…  I have found crimson stains near a door… I opened it slow, and peeked through. It was the little girl, the way she was standing, with her back to me and slouched told me she was not one of us anymore… no matter how many times I had seen it happen, I still felt a huge pain of dread, and sadness. She turned round, and stared at me, and then let out that ghostly scream and charged. I slammed the door on her, and bolted it and jammed a nearby chair under the handles. I returned to the group, and had the horrible task of breaking the news. The mother was there… I walked away and slid down against the wall, nearly crying. I had decided, this was it, I was going to do anything to get the cure, and I would no longer flee if I had the chance. I was going to fight, for this group, for humanity.

The group seemed to elect me leader… I had only known them a couple of hours, but it was clear none of them had the ability to make decisive decisions. With one member looking after the remainder of the children, and the grieving mother, we were down to five adults and me.
We snuck outside, and we saw there where at least two “zombies”. One of them was the girl… she obviously found another way out. I spoke to the group and decided to split up, the fastest two would try to lure the things away, and out run them… I hope. The rest of us would then proceed to the supply centre. The plan started off fine, they lured them away, and we went to the supply centre, stumbling across some guns on the way, with limited ammo. We loaded up and continued. Getting to the portable supply centre, I could tell something was wrong. The lights were still on, well they were flickering. They obviously were on a gas generator, but the fact they were on suggested someone was within.  We moved in, it was a single room, but it was barren, bar one thing. A body lay on the floor. A man emerged from the shadows, yelling “get out” holding a chain saw. “Where are the supplies” I said. He then started up the chain saw. Two of my group ran, followed by me and the other…

 We were met outside by one of the monsters. It immediately pounced on one of my crew… the rest ran and I said sorry, and left. As we ran I tripped over something… it was a supply box, marked 1 of 12, with a large G on it. I looked around and squinted. I saw the outline of some of the other boxes in the dark, and figured the rest couldn’t be too far away. 12 boxes, all nearby, maybe God was answering my constant prayers for a cure, this couldn’t just be luck…
We started running collecting the supplies; we had got all bar the last two boxes. That’s when we saw them in the distance. Through the dark they were running towards us, a hoard of them all screaming. We saw the last two boxes and ran for them. We picked them up, and legged it back to the gym. The hoard followed. One of the two I had sent running, was back, looking pale... We locked ourselves in, but they could see us through the glass; they weren’t going to leave us be...

We got all the supplies we needed, but now there was no hope we would get out alive… it seemed to all be for nothing… then a bright light illuminated the hall from behind me. I turned to see a man standing behind me.
“Who are you” I exclaimed.
“The man with the cure!” the mourning mother called out shocked.
“you have done well” he stated. Show me what you have brought me. We revealed the supply boxes to him.
“Where is the cure?” I asked. At that moment he rearranged the boxes for it to spell something, with the letters on the boxes… “GOD IS LOVE” and three Christian symbols followed…
“This is the cure you have sought, go out knowing God is with you, and they will not harm you, touch the sick and bless them in the name of the Lord and they will be healed…. At that moment he disappeared in a flash of bright light. The group looked at me, and I turned to the glass, with the monsters behind it. I moved to the doors.
“Are you crazy?!” one of the men shouted. “God can't stop these things”
“Through God all things are possible.” I replied, as I flung the doors open, and walked into the hoard. They did not touch me. I approached the little girl, whose mother was within the gym. I blessed her, and immediately I could see her complexion change, she became less pale. Her eyes deglazed. She was cured. She fell into me. I picked her up and brought her to the mother….
I knew it was now over…

So this blog was based on the fourth game in the series: Forty-four Games I thought would end up with a child in hospital, but somehow didn’t. No it isn’t the most spiritual of youth ministry games, however it brought many new faces to the Youth fellowship, and everyone seemed to have fun. Here is my boss to explain what the youth had to do…