Tuesday 6 January 2015

An Open Letter to My Friends the YAMM-ers

Owain H. Campton

St. Petersburg, Orlando, Jacksonville

My friends, my brothers and sisters in Christ!
                I pray this letter finds you in a good place. The whole point in these devotions, and what you all have done in each of your carefully crafted pieces, was to motivate, support, and show love to each of us.

Let me say I love each one of you, whole heartedly, and you may say “but Owain you only know me from our winter retreat of three days” or “who is this Owain?!” as you have just started on this programme. I love each of you because I know what you are doing! You have intentionally started to serve in a mission setting, and either this makes you absolutely mad, or means you have a heart to serve, and care for others, in missions or ministry! I am of course presuming you are mostly the second, of these, and I love you for that!  (Though to be fair I am almost definitely a bit of both)
I hope you all can see the effect of the powerful work, which should be enough to motivate you all to continue; If you cannot though, I want you to know that no matter what you do, no matter how small the ripple, as long as it is fully through the name of God, you will be making tidal waves somewhere, and you may not ever see it, but if you are working for the Glory of God, he will definitely have a plan, and you are most certainly a part of it!

Some of you are starting up, and may be worried; some of you have, and are leaving us early, and both groups will be feeling a set of emotions at this time. Be this the feeling you couldn’t see your work to completion, or be it not fully sure exactly how your work is going to unfold. Take it from me, it doesn’t matter what trials you may go through, but it is all going to be okay. I have in my mind been to hell and back, and I know no matter how hard it may get, God I always behind you, even if you do not think you can always see him, have faith, he is there for you.

Family in faith, Pray! Pray, for every single one of your concerns. From help in friendships, in work, or to finding those lost keys, God is here for absolutely everything. Prayer is our strongest link between us and God, because it is literally talking with our Heavenly Father! He may not answer in as direct a way as speaking to you with words, but he does always answer our prayers in the end.

Before ending this letter, and moving on to my reflection (as I do in all my recent blogs), I want to paraphrase something a Pastor, and friend said to the church, when questioned on why women are ordained. She (kinda) said, “I act in knowledge that when I finally meet our maker, it is only going to be me and him. None of the people who told me I couldn’t be a pastor because I was a women will be there, for me to say – they say I shouldn’t be a pastor- it is only going to be me accountable”. In your calling listen to God, don’t listen to those that put you down, who say you aren’t good enough, or can't  because you are a certain label. Listen to God, and if he says He wants to do something…. Do it, because he knows the plan he has for you. Think of it as we move through this year, in work, and all we do, and as we all start wondering, what next? God will lead, if you will follow.
Peace, love, and joy, and blessings to you all my friends,

Owain Campton.

This week I was working on programming for Youth and Children's Ministries, and coming up to lent we are both looking at The Apostle's Creed, and I got all the videos for it, and after spending around ten hours on the children's ministry work, I looked at it last night, to check if it all was solid (aka Good)... At least I would have, if I hadn't lost the document... Ten hours of work gone... so after slightly panicking, I started trying to pull together some stuff together for it, and I stumbled across this video, which I now will be using for Youth ministry when the time comes. To think if I hadn't lost my work, I wouldn't have seen this, and wouldn't get to share it with my youth. Shows God works, amidst technical disaster.
It really got me thinking about what we really mean when we run off the Creed. Just like the Lord's prayer, we have a tendency to not even think about what we are saying. I hope this video gets you thinking as it did I.

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